After all the cold weather we've been having down here I spent part of yesterday shopping for a scarf. I hate shopping for clothes. This, however, was a no-brainer because I needed something to keep my neck warm at night. Unfortunately, all those fears about coughs and runny noses must have been a self-fulfilling prophecy because today I had a head cold and had to wear my scarf to uni.
Yes, I am a man and I wore a fashion accessory in public. It's official: I am a pretentious wanker.
In other news, I survived my teaching placment. Hurrah! So many stories to tell you but they're all far too long and far too boring. The long and short of it is this: I made a lot of mistakes but pushed through and came out on the other side in one piece. I learnt that I can actually communicate ideas to people and help them learn. However, I need to be more assertive. I am a persistent person but not an assertive one.
Finally, I need to find a few new blogs to stalk after two of my favourite bloggers dropped of the radar this week. Lots of love for T and Nick.
Head Cold + Goodbyes = Too Much. I need a lie down.