Is it Friday yet? How do normal people do this nine to five stuff?
Ok, I am being sarcastic because all this work is making realise how lazy I can be. I did just put in a twelve-hour day so it is probably Ok to be a little tired.
My mantra at the moment is, "It's going to be ok, It's going to be ok" because if I get my act together maybe, just maybe, I can score a job at what is turning out to be an awesome school with a fantastic supervisor. I am learning so much and, for the first time in my life, I have actually enjoyed being at 'work'. Maybe that stuff about finding a purpose in life isn't a load of BS.
I will blog more later. In the meantime, sleep beckons.
Full time jobs suck. It's like being back at school only even less fun and you don't get to stop for decades.
Your post made me realise this is my twentieth year of full-time employment! (And doesn't it show!!?)
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